Surfing at Corona Del Mar
The jetty at the mouth of Newport Harbor cuts off most of surf that used to roll onto Corona Del Mar Beach. For the most part the main beach sees only tiny waves that attract a lot of children but are of no interest to surfers. Once in a great while, a huge swell from the south or southeast brings in massive, challenging waves.
The best waves now break off the end of the jetty and roll in toward the beach close to the jetty rocks. The best seasons are from spring through mid-autumn.
Caution: Check with rangers or lifeguards that conditions are safe for your planned activities.
Corona Del Mar Sandcastle Contest
Corona Del Mar's annual sandcastle contest is held on the in late September or early October. The 2024 competition was the 62th time sand sculptors gathered on Corona Del Mar Beach. Sponsored by the Commodores Club of the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce, the contest draws thousands of spectators and a wide range of competitors from first-timers to professionals.
10:00 AM to 3:30 PM. Entry fees range from $30 for families and civic organizations, $40 for businesses, and $60 for the masters category. At 2:30 PM construction ends and the judging begins. Awards are presented to the winners in a wide variety of categories including most unique, most humorous, and best display of theme. Past themes have included Treasures of the Sea, Under the Sea and Haunted Castles. Check for news about 2025 Corona del Mar Sandcastle Contest

Little Corona Del Mar Beach Tide Pools
The tide pools at Little Corona Del Mar Beach offer a wonderful opportunity to observe marine life in the tidal zone. The area is part of a marine reserve, which means nothing can be disturbed or collected. Low tide is, of course, the time to visit.
The Orange County Marine Protected Area Council maintains a docent program which places tide pool docents at important sites during the lowest tides. They offer interpretive, educational, and regulatory information to visitors to the tide pools.
Marine Protected Area Hikes
The Council schedules free guided hikes through the Marine Protected Areas on a monthly basis. They usually meet the Little Corona Lifeguard Tower. Hikes are usually 2 hours. For information, see the current issue of the Newport Navigator, a City of Newport Beach recreational guide.
The Long Beach Marine Institute strives to familiarize local residents with the resources of the Southern California Coast. Among their school programs are tide pool tours at Little Corona Del Mar Beach. Individuals may participate along with groups on any of their pre-registered events. (562) 431-7156. Their website includes a downloadable Guided Tide Pool Tour for those wishing to explore the tide pools on their own.
Long Beach Marine Institute
Corona Del Mar Beach Volleyball
Ten volleyball courts are spaced around Corona Del Mar State Beach. The courts are available on a first-come, first served basis. On courts with blue poles the height of the net can be adjusted. Unlike some beaches where competition for courts can be fierce, Corona Del Mar Beach has the reputation for family games, welcoming players into games, and a relaxed atmosphere. If there is serious competition going on, it is usually found on the pair of courts at the southern end of beach.