Happening on Hueneme Beach
Surfing and Kitesurfing
Hueneme Beach is popular with the locals who enjoy the consistent beach and jetty break year-round. Offshore winds from the east help form good waves. Most consider the swells from the west northwest to create the best conditions. Rip tides and pollution are both concerns to anyone going in the water. Kitesurfers like to steady winds and the broad beach which makes setting up and launching convenient.
Caution: Check with rangers or lifeguards that conditions are safe for your planned activities.

Port Hueneme Pier
The Port Hueneme Pier began in 1956 as a 650-foot wharf, but expansion of the beach area left the pier high and dry. In 1968 the City of Port Hueneme removed some of the original pier and added a new section, extending it to its present 1,250-foot length. Over the years storm damage has changed the configuration of the pier slightly.
The pier is most popular with anglers, but walkers and sight-seers enjoy the stroll out to the end and back. It is one of the few piers that allows cyclers to ride out their lengths.
At the end of the pier, you are standing over about 20 feet of water and a sandy bottom. Fishing is good for surfperch, blackperch, halibut, queenfish, white croaker, guitarfish, and thornbacks.
The pier is open 24 hours a day. Facilities include restrooms, fish cleaning stations, lights, and benches. Bait and tackle can be purchased from the Surfside Seafood Restaurant.

Port Hueneme Junior Lifeguards
The Ventura Junior Lifeguards program is open to children and youth ages 8 through 16. Participants learn water safety, physical conditioning, and understanding and respect for the environment, and respect for themselves and others
Activities include open water swimming, paddle boarding, body surfing, surfboarding, skin diving, CPR, and self-rescue. An optional field trip to Santa Rosa Island is included for an extra fee.
Prospective participants must pass a swimming tryout in order to qualify for the program. Tryouts are held usually held in early June at Hueneme Beach.
In past years, two sessions were offered, one beginning in mid-June and the other in mid-July. Each session has been 4 weeks long and ran from 9:30 AM to 2:00 PM, unless there is a field trip. Check their website for 2024 dates.
Port Hueneme Junior Lifeguards