Camping in the Marin Headlands in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area
Marin Headlands
Reservations are required at all campgrounds. All campsites require some hiking to reach.
Bicentennial Campground
Battery Wallace
3 sites, each for up to 3 people and 1 tent
No water, use of BBQs at picnic area at Battery Wallace
No fires, no pets, $25 per night
(415) 331-1540
Hawk Camp Campground
Above Gerbode Valley
2 or 3-mile hike to campsites
3 sites, each for up to 4 people
Chemical toilets, picnic tables, no water
No pets, no open fires, $25 per night
(415) 331-1540
Haypress Campground
Tennessee Valley, north end of Marin Headlands
Gentle ¾-mile hike to campsites
5 sites, each for up to 4 people, $25 per night
1 group tent site for between 11 and 25 people, $75 per night
(415) 331-1540
Kirby Cove Campground
In the Marin Headlands, wooded setting
Descend a steep 1-mile trail to cove from Battery Spencer
5 tent sites, each site for up to 4 people
No water, no pets
$40 per night
Reservations: - Kirby Cove Campground

Camping at Mt. Tamalpais State Park
- 801 Panoramic Highway, Mill Valley, CA
- 7:00 AM to sunset
- (415) 388-2070
- Day-use fees: $8
Campgrounds and Facilities
- Pantoll Campground off the Panoramic Highway
- 15 sites, first come, first served
- Water, restrooms
- Rocky Point/Steep Ravine Environmental Campground, 1 mile south of Stinson Beach
- 7 primitive sites and 9 rustic cabins
- Water, restrooms
- Alice Eastwood Group Camp, Panoramic Highway
- 2 sites for 25-50 people
- Water, restrooms
- Tables, BBQ grills, large tent areas
- Frank Valley Group Horse Camp, Muir Woods Road, 1 mile north of Highway 1 at Muir Beach
- 2 sites for 25-50 people
- Water, tables, pit toilets
- Horse troughs and corrals for up to 12 horses
Park Features
- 2,571-foot Mt. Tamalpais and a 6,300-acre park
- Adjacent to Muir Woods National Monument
- Redwood forest, wildlife
- Picnic areas, Visitor Center
- Seasonal refreshment stand
- Huge amphitheater
- 1 campsite at environmental camp
- 1 cabin at Steep Ravine
- Restrooms, picnic areas
- Horse camp
- McKennan Gulch Trail and several others
- Visitor Center and Gravity Car Barn
Pantoll Campground $25
Eastwood Group Sites $110 and $225
Horse Camp $75
Steep Ravine Environmental $25 (cabins $100)
Group and environmental sites only
Online Reservations at ReserveCalifornia:
Mount Tamalpais State Park Campground Reservations
or call (800) 444-PARK (7275) between 8 AM and 6 PM