Along the Salt Point Coast
Salt Point State Park includes 9 miles of rugged coastline, with countless little inlets and coves, bays, jagged points, a few sandy beaches, caves, and sea stacks. Most visitors are drawn by the beauty of the region, taking advantage of the trails that meander along the bluffs overlooking the ocean and the scenic viewpoints.

Tafoni, honeycomb-eroded sandstone, can be found along the Salt Point coast. Seasonal wetting with salt water and subsequent drying causes parts of the rock to erode faster than others, creating the characteristic pits and nobs.

Gerstle Cove
Gerstle Cove was once a busy little port where schooners were loaded with lumber and blocks of sandstone to be delivered to San Francisco. At first cables were used to ferry the cargo from shore to waiting ships. Later, chutes were erected. Along the shore of Gerstle Cove visitors can see where sandstone was quarried. Eye bolts used to anchor the ships are still visible.

Gerstle Cove
Fisk Mill Cove
A sawmill once stood at Fisk Cove. Today the area is appreciated for its varied shoreline with tiny beaches, towering rocks, and wind-swept Bishop pines. Visitors will find a paved parking lot, picnic tables, BBQs, restrooms, and drinking water. Thanks to the protection from the wind by the trees, the area is a favorite with picnickers. Rock climbers like to challenge their skills on nearby cliffs.
Sentinel Rock Viewpoint
At Fisk Mill Cove a wooden platform at Sentinel Rock is a popular spot for whale watching and for its views of the ocean and coast. A stair-stepped path leads off the Fisk Mill Cove trail up to the promontory.
Horseshoe Cove
At the north end of Salt Point State Park, Horseshoe Cove is used as an entry point for divers willing to haul their gear down the trail to the rocky beach. This scenic area is reached from a small turnout along the highway. Surfers head out to a reef break known as Secrets when the waves a right.
Ocean Cove
South of Salt Point State Park, Ocean Cove is a popular spot for launching small boats. The privately owned land at Ocean Cove includes the Ocean Cove Store and Campground.
Ocean Cove Store & Campground
Stump Beach &
Gerstle Cove Beach
Stump Beach is one of the few sandy beaches to be found along the Sonoma County coast north of Jenner. Several tables are available for picnicking near the parking lot. There are primitive toilets there, but no running water. A quarter-mile long trail leads down to the beach. Set deep in a pocket and flanked by bluffs, the beach is fairly well protected. Its name comes from the driftwood often found washed ashore here.
Other beaches along the park's coast tend to be small and a mixture of sand and rock. They are great places to explore or to enjoy the view from the bluffs. Gerstle Cove is an excellent tide pooling location as well as a popular launching spot for diving. During the whale migration season spectators are drawn to the nearby bluffs.