Annenberg Community Beach House
The Annenberg Community Beach House located at the north end of Santa Monica Beach is a public facility which offers a variety of classes, activities, and cultural programs. The schedule of activities changes through the seasons. You can keep track of what is available through their website. Annenberg Community Beach House
The Annenberg Community Beach House provides spectacular views, splash pad, a children's play area, a gallery, and an historic pool. The Marion Davies Guest House is open for free tours. Outside are sand courts for soccer, tennis, and volleyball. In the summer there are Monday Fun Day activities, a Rec Room with ping pong and board games, and summer classes. Most facilities are free. There is a fee for parking and for the swimming pool.
Beach House Rentals
Beach Canopies, Stand-up Paddleboards, Soccer balls, Volleyballs, Sand chairs, Beach umbrellas, Boogies boards Beach tennis rackets & balls
Sinjin Smith and Randy Stoklos
Beach Volleyball Class
Youth classes held at the Annenberg Community Beach House. Learn winning techniques from coaches trained by Sinjin Smith and Randy Stoklos. Pay by the class or by the session. Adult and youth classes. Youth Volleyball Camp at the Beach House.
Find more information in Santa Monica's community newsletters, Sunjin's Youth Beach Volleyball.
Make a Splash in the Beach House Pool
Open for recreational swim on Memorial Day Weekend, and then daily from mid-June through Labor Day, and weekends through September. 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Admission is $4 for youth under 18, $10 for adults, $5 for seniors 60+. Swim lessons are available
Beach House Pool
Synchronized Swimming with the Aqualillies
For ages 14 and older. Enjoy six 75-minute classes at the Beach House pool. Get in shape, learn sculling, back layouts, ballet legs, and much more.
Aqualillies Fitness Classes.
Yoga by Santa Monica Yoga
For ages 12 and older. Classical yoga classes at the Beach House. Improve your flexibility, develop your strength and balance, learn proper breathing techniques and guided relaxation. Tuesday and Thursday, 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM.
Santa Monica Yoga at the Beach House
Sample of Beach Activities
The Schedule of Activities offered in past years are listed below, For information on 2024 classes, call (310) 458-4904
- Beginning and Intermediate Beach Volleyball
- Intermediate and Advanced Beach Volleyball
- Advanced Beach Volleyball
- Beach Ultimate Frisbee
- Stand-up Paddleboarding
- Open Ocean Swimming
For a complete list of activities, see Santa Monica's Recreation Department, Recreation Programs in Santa Monica.

Junior Lifeguards at Santa Monica Beach
The Junior Lifeguards program develops skills in ocean swimming and in dealing with hazards in the ocean. Participants learn about water safety, surf rescue, surf riding, and first aid. The 4-week program is open to youths ages 9 to 17. Participants meet just south Lifeguard Tower 26 at Santa Monica State Beach.
Program Schedule for 2024
Session 1: June 17 - July 12, 2024
Session 2: July 15 - August 9, 2024
Morning classes 8:30 - 11:30 AM
Afternoon classes 1:30 - 4:30 PM
New participants must pass a basic swimming test usually held in March and April.
LA County Junior Lifeguards
Parks at Santa Monica State Beach
Chess Park
Located just south of the pier, quarter-acre Chess Park features 14 large tables with 4 chess boards per table, 10 smaller tables with individual chess boards, and one large, human-size chess board. The tables are open for public use. Often skilled chess players are found there. Spectators are welcome. Ocean Front Walk passes in front of the park. Restrooms are nearby. The closest parking is in lots 1-south and 2-south.
Muscle Beach
Located just south of the pier and Chess Park, Muscle Beach spreads between the Bike Trail and the parking lots with athletic equipment ranging from rings and parallel bars to balance beams and chinning bars. There is also a jungle gym for children and a padded gymnastic area. All the equipment is free for public use. In the 1930s-1950s Muscle Beach attracted many leading muscle men and bathing beauties of the time. Among them were Jack LaLanne, Mae West, and Kirk Douglas. The closest parking is in lots 1-south and 2-south.
Dorothy Green Park
Located on Ocean Park at Barnard Way, this 4½-acre park has picnic tables, a children's playground, restrooms, and Perry's Cafe.
Crescent Bay Park
Found at 2000 Ocean Avenue (south of the pier), Crescent Bay Park's 2.3 acres are divided between upper and lower sections. The park has a lush grassy area, a gazebo on the bluff overlooking the beach, and the historic pergola at the lower-level offering shade.
Ocean View Park
Ocean View Park is at Barnard Way and Ashland, south of the pier. Its 5.7 acres include a pair of junior paddle tennis courts, a basketball court with lights, and 6 tennis courts (no lights). There is also a nice spread of lawn and a grassy hill with a spiral walkway leading to the summit.
Reservations for the tennis courts are available year-round on Saturday and Sunday. Weekday reservations available during the summer season only (Memorial Day through Labor Day.) (310) 394-6011
South Beach Park
Found along Barnard Way, South Beach Park has nearly 2 acres and includes picnic tables and a children's playground.
Marvin Braude Bike Trail
Will Rogers State Beach is the northern terminus of the Marvin Braude Bike Trail, which stretches along the coast 22 miles to Torrance County Beach. The paved path passes Venice Beach, around Marina Del Rey, and on to Dockweiler State Beach, El Porto Beach, Manhattan Beach, and other key places to the south. Along the way there are plenty of restrooms, drinking fountains, food sources, and interesting diversions.

Beach Volleyball
Volleyball courts are located in several places north and south of the Santa Monica Pier. The courts are available for public use, but can be reserved for special events. (310) 458-8300