Seacliff State Beach
Notice: Due to winter storms in 2022-23 portions of Seacliff Beach are closed, including the campground. Check Seacliff State Beach for the latest information.
Seacliff Beach is a favorite family destination. Generally the surf is mild, making it a relaxing place to enjoy the water. The pier and cement ship were a popular attraction. Hopefully the pier will soon be fully restored. On shore are more facilities than at many state beaches, visitor's center, and park store. The snack shop is open temporarily in the upper parking lot.
Into the Surf
Generally light waves make Seacliff a popular spot for skim boarding and just playing in the surf. Of course, rip currents are always a danger on any California beach. For experienced ocean swimmers, in the summer Seacliff usually offers a good place to enter without battling high waves.
Caution: Check with rangers or lifeguards that conditions are safe for your planned activities.

Parking at Seacliff Beach
As a result of storm damage, currently the lower parking lot is only open to pedestrians and bicycles. Currently make use of the large parking area on top of the bluff. A long stairway leads from the parking lot down to beach level.
New Brighton State Beach
Another popular beach is only a short trek from Seacliff Beach. Around the bay toward Santa Cruz is New Brighton State Beach with great camping sites and a quiet beach.