Sand Dollar Beach
Beautiful Sand Dollar Beach along Monterey's Big Sur coast is a popular place for picnicking, beach combing, searching for jade, fishing, and surfing. It is the largest beach in the area with plenty of room to spread out. The rough waves and strong rip-currents make it dangerous for wading and swimming.
The level bluffs above Sand Dollar Beach and Jade Cove have been designated as a hang glider and paraglider landing area.
Caution: Check with rangers or lifeguards that conditions are safe for your planned activities.

Jade Cove
Jade Cove attracts many who are in search of the nephrite jade that can often be found here. Although there is a sign along the highway, there is little in the way of improvements at the cove. A couple of pull-out areas along the highway offer space for parking and unimproved use-trails lead across the coastal bluffs and down to the water's edge. North Jade Cove is the area between Jade Cove and Sand Dollar Beach.
As in most places along the coast, the surf here is dangerous and those searching for jade should never turn their back on the ocean. Rogue waves can appear unannounced and sweep unwary visitors off the shore.
Searching for Jade
Eager jade hunters visit the cove area often, especially early in the morning before others have had a chance to scour the beach. The best times to visit are at low tides, especially soon after a winter storm. There are special regulations which govern the collection of jade. They apply to Sand Dollar Beach, Jade Cove, and other coastal areas within the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. Check the official regulations for complete and up to date information.
- Only loose jade from submerged lands may be collected. Collect your jade from below the mean tide level.
- No tools may be used except a hand tool to maneuver and lift the jade or scratch its surface to determine if it is jade.
- For divers, lift bags may be used with a combined capacity of no more than 200 pounds.
- Each person may collect only what that person individually carries.

Hang Gliding
Experienced hang glider pilots in the area like to launch from Prewitt Ridge, high in the coastal mountains, and work their way down, eventually landing in the broad open field north of Sand Dollar Beach. To the reach the launch spot, drive up Nacimiento-Fergusson Road (just south of Kirk Creek Campground). Follow the road 7 miles to the Prewitt Ridge Road on the right. Another 5 miles leads to the launch site just north of the summit of Prewitt Ridge. The elevation there is about 3,000 feet.
The southern Big Sur area is often too foggy for flying in the summer. Fall months are usually among the best. The flight is probably suitable for those rated H2/P2, but first timers in the area should hitch up with someone experienced with the launch site and landing zone.