Enjoy All the Seasons at the
Mendocino Headlands
When is the best time of year to visit the Headlands? Probably any season. Winter months are best for viewing migrating whales. Bring your binoculars, a warm coat, and cast your eyes seaward. Winter also can bring heavy surf crashing onto the rocks; it's a time for particular caution near the water.
In spring the wildflowers burst into bloom and linger into summer. It is a great season for leisurely strolls along the bluff-top trails. With summer weather adventures may be found on Portuguese Beach or up the Big River estuary. As the rainy season returns consider touring the Ford House Museum and stopping in at a cozy restaurant in town.
Ford House Visitor Center & Museum
45035 Main Street, Mendocino, CA
Open Daily 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM
The Ford House Museum and Visitor Center has both permanent and seasonal exhibits illustrating the town's early history, local natural history, and the story of the area's Pomo Indians. Among the most popular items in the museum is a scale model of the town as it appeared in 1980. Videos are available on topics such as the early logging era and gray whales.
Ford House Visitor Center & Museum
Point Cabrillo Light Station
State Historic Park
13800 Point Cabrillo Drive, Mendocino, CA
Open daily sunrise to sunset, admission free
Visitors park near the entrance adjacent to the restored Kearn farmhouse and walk a little more than one-half mile down a road to the light station. Those with disabled access placards or those staying in one of the rental cottages are permitted to drive down to the point.
Point Cabrillo Facilities
- Lighthouse
- Restored Keepers' homes
- Museum and gift shop
- Restrooms
- Blacksmith and carpentry shop with the Marine Science Exhibit, open 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Point Cabrillo Light Station Aquarium
Tours of the light station grounds are available on Sundays. During the summer four dates are set aside for guided tours of the Lantern Room. Docent led tours must be reserved at least three weeks in advance. $5 per person, including children.
Note: Due to COVID-19, Lens Tours for 2021 have been suspended until further notice.
Tours reservations email: info@pointcabrillo.org
Information: (707) 937-6122
Point Cabrillo Light Station State Historic Park
Visitors can stay in one of the historic vacation rental homes at Point Cabrillo. Two larger homes and two smaller cottages are available through Mendocino Coast Reservations.

Point Cabrillo Trails
Frolic Cove Trail - In 1850 the clipper brig Frolic ran aground here and sank. The trail leads north from a point mid-way between the keepers' house and the blacksmith shop. Out and back is 1.2 miles. An alternate route, the North Trail makes a 3.4-miles loop from the main parking area down across the prairie land and out to the edge of the bluffs and the cove.
South Trail - a 1-mile loop of the southern bluff area.
Travel through Time at the
Jug Handle State Natural Reserve
Location: Along Highway 1, one mile north of Caspar, midway between Fort Bragg and Mendocino
Open daily, admission free
Five terraces at Jug Handle State Natural Reserve are the result of fluctuations in the sea level and the rise of tectonic plates. Each terrace represents a time about 100,000 years older than the one below it, with the highest terrace being the oldest. The soil and plants in each terrace are different. By hiking The Ecological Staircase trail, visitors can pass from one ecosystem to another as if walking back through a half million years of the earth's evolution.
Parking and portable toilet are available immediately off Highway 1. Trail guides are available there. From the parking lot visitors can take the Ecological Staircase Trail down to the coast before circling back closer to the creek and passing under the highway bridge. From there the trail crosses Jug Handle Creek and continues up the valley through the rest of the terraces. The highest terrace is home to a pygmy forest.

Jug Handle Reserve Coast
The Jug Handle Creek Farm & Nature Center
The Jug Handle Creek Farm & Nature Center, located adjacent to the Reserve, is a nonprofit organization which provides educational facilities and programs for schools and nature groups. They also serve as an information center for the Reserve's Ecological Trail.
15501 Highway 1