Mendocino Headlands
The Mendocino Headlands wrap around the quaint, coastal town of Mendocino, offering dramatic views of the rugged coast. Visitors can park at convenient spots around the headlands and stroll along trails as they enjoy the waves crashing against the islands and rushing through sea arches.
The Headlands have become a favorite place for whale watching during the winter migration months. The Headlands attract artists and photographers to the endless vantage points along the bluffs. Reach Portuguese Beach by a footpath and stairs off Main Street.

The Big River Unit
The Big River Unit, as it has been designated, consists of more than 7,000 acres along Big River. The property includes a popular beach, wetlands, and a long, scenic estuary. Canoeists and kayakers can paddle 8 miles up the gently flowing river.
Big River Beach is a broad, sandy expanse of white sand at the mouth of the river. Waves are constantly reshaping the beach. Access is via a road on the east side of Highway 1, immediately on the north side of the bridge. A parking area is located by the estuary and a short trail leads beneath the bridge to the beach.

Big River Beach
Big River Estuary State Marine Conservation Area
The Big River Estuary State Marine Conservation Area extends from the Highway 1 bridge upstream about 1½ miles. Regulations permit the recreational take of surfperch (family Embiotocidae) by hook and line from shore only; and Dungeness crab by hoop net or hand is allowed.
Ford House Museum
The historic Ford House at 45035 Main Street in Mendocino serves as a museum and as the Visitor Center for Mendocino Headlands State Park. The house was erected in 1854 by Jerome B. Ford who was the superintendent of the first Mendocino sawmill. The museum has exhibits, historic photographs and relics from the early days of Mendocino. It is open daily from 11 AM to 4 PM. The Ford House is operated by the Mendocino Area Parks Association.